FrillPay provides diverse methods for topping up your wallet. Whether you intend to deposit funds on brokers, engage in online shopping, or for personal use, we have you covered. However, in situations where you may not have direct means to top up, FrillPay offers a solution. You can request someone else to deposit funds on your behalf. This involves generating a straightforward invoice, sharing the link with the person making the payment, and allowing them to proceed with the top-up by settling the invoice.
If you prefer to have a friend deposit funds into your account, the process is equally simple:
1. When you click on “Request money now”, the system will direct you to the “Create An Invoice” form.
2. Fill in the necessary details, including the required amount, payment purpose, and other options.
- Amount: Enter the amount you would like to have on your FrillPay balance.
- Payment Purpose: Choose the purpose of this payment for record-keeping purposes.
- Security: If you tick, the sender will not be able to see your FrillPay name and Wallet details.
3. After creating the invoice, you’ll be automatically redirected to the “Invoices” page within 05 seconds.
4. There, you’ll find the invoice you created, just share that invoice link to your friend to pay, rest our seamless and secure system ensures the smooth operations.
Thank you for exploring the ins and outs of FrillPay’s top-up process. If you have any questions, need further clarification, or want more information about a specific aspect, feel free to drop a comment below. We’re here to assist you on your FrillPay journey!